Issues We Treat | ADHD

Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

If you have extra difficulties with organizational skills and concentration, or with staying quiet and still, you may have Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). It causes challenges in focusing on everyday tasks and routines. Whether you are an adult dealing with ADHD, or a parent of a child with ADHD, we are here to help you with those challenges.

Helping with attention-span and concentration, especially for long periods of time, is a top priority of ADHD counseling at Ethos. Other areas that our team works with are controlling impulsive behavior, improving realistic planning skills, time management, and thinking ahead. In children, ADHD can often cause behavioral issues, such as defiance and aggression. If you are a parent, we will work with you to put effective rewards systems in place. We also want to help you set firm, consistent limits and boundaries with your child, to give them that extra bit of structure.

Often, both adults and children with ADHD take medication to help with impulsive behavior, hyperactivity, and lack of concentration. We are willing to work as a partner in this process, especially to help your child in areas that medication might not cover, such as the socio-emotional effects of ADHD. For example, ADHD can impact social skills and relationships. We will help you and your child to understand these effects and to maintain lasting peer friendships.


Do you have ADHD?


R. NevlingView Profile
M. LestinaView Profile

Psychological Testing and Evaluation

S. DiGiacomoView Profile