Our Specialties | Career and Work Counseling
Career and Work Counseling

Are you are stressed about a crisis in your work life, managing an anxious child through college or transitioning to retirement? Work is the setting for many major transitions and provides meaning, accomplishment, and structure in life. Most people spend a major portion of their time in some form of work and it is common to experience challenges with fulfillment, peace or balance in work and family. You can rely on experienced Ethos staff to help manage career choices and work adjustment issues throughout life.
Career development and work issues for adults can be highly complex and cause extreme stress. Individuals may choose or be forced to consider significant changes in their career or lifestyle at different stages of life. If you lose your job there may be a few of months of difficulty, but if you lose your career, there could be several years of transition with chronic depression with anxiety. It gets more complicated if there are other traumatic life events. It can be challenging to work when you are mourning the loss of a loved one, going through divorce, or worrying about big problems with health or finances. Your boss or coworkers may add to the strain or performance be suffering. If you feel at risk and have low self-esteem it can seem like you are in a downward spiral, unable to calm yourself or get energy to keep going.
We will help you get back in control by treating symptoms of depression, anxiety or grief and by healing the trauma that often is part of change. Ethos offers skills and tools to manage both negative and positive changes in getting and keeping a job or moving ahead in your career. Job search, new jobs or promotions bring a whole new set of challenges, procedures, and people to navigate for success. Stress management and mindfulness skills are basics to assist you in managing emotions and relationships with your boss, teammates or family. Our approach provides you with needed support, including assertiveness skills practice for difficult conversations and tools for decision making, problem solving and conflict management in the workplace.
Ethos staff has experience with the issues of minorities in the workplace including women’s and multi-cultural issues. For instance, the view and importance of career and work roles often changes with age, gender, ethnicity or stages of family. For instance, women can face disruption in their career and problematic situations in the workforce because of child-raising issues or the need to reenter the workplace after divorce. Minorities may experience discrimination. Unemployment or underemployment can be troubling. We will help you navigate difficult transitions, build self-esteem and learn assertiveness and conflict management skills necessary to deal with issues throughout life.
Our specialists also work with parents to guide your child through important career development milestones. Schools start career development in grade school with school-to-work initiatives. Parents are often intensely involved to launch young adults in the world of education and career choices. High schoolers often feel pressure starting in their junior year about whether to continue their education at the college level or applied technical schools and what and where they will study. Research points out that 80{6e803ebd9322de0e41f847442b740656f641468c067d275f47abe310eb37a33c} of college freshman have serious anxiety. We recognize how important is to consider individual interests, personality preferences, values and strengths for high schoolers and adults to make the best decisions when it comes to financial investments and ability to take next steps in career and work successfully.
Ethos specialists help you and/your child progress in complex situations with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), stress management, problem solving and decision-making tools to help through transitions. We have several specialized assessments and inventories to create a future blueprint to design your life overall with incorporate work as one key component.